I promised myself I wouldn't cry...

One thing not many people know about me is my ability to cry at some of the smallest things! I'm an emotional wreck sometimes, and not always because of my hormones (although that doesn't help!). I cry at films, TV, songs, when I'm happy and obviously if I'm upset! These seem to cover quite a bit of my time! I cried at the final episodes of Friends and Sex and the City (even though I didn't watch it towards the end), I even cry at the end of most episodes of Scrubs, which really annoys me as I laugh so much during the episode! I think the most emotional I've ever been whilst watching a TV show was when Mark Green from ER died. Man, that was the saddest thing ever. Even when I think about these moments I get upset.
TV shows obviously want to get the viewers hooked to love and care about the characters they watch to make them come back to it every week, but crying when they end or die is just ridiculous, isn't it? I guess I'm not a particularly strong person anyway, so it doesn't help when I watch these shows for months/years and then they go and leave me!
I remember the first film I ever cried at was Beaches. Amazing film, and pretty emotional anyway. I do remember watching My Girl in the cinema when I was 8 and hearing girls crying in the row in front of me. I had no idea why anyone would cry over a film! Boy, do I feel differently now!
Even moments in life when I'm really happy (this usually occurs when I'm with my boyfriend) I end up crying. He never understands that! I really don't know why I do it, I think in those instances I'm just really hormonal and can be set off very easily!
My moods are generally extreme anyway - I'm either incredibly up or down, hot or cold, hungry or stuffed! I guess I wouldn't bother to comment if I was 'just right'! So when I'm upset, I also take it to the extreme and tend to cry. I just wish I was extremely happy more of the time!
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