Monday, October 16, 2006

The trouble with old people!

Okay, so I just posted a blog about me feeling old, but boy do I feel young in comparison to my grandparents. I just spent the weekend with them and my parents in one of the most stressful situations we could have been in with them - travelling to Spain and then having to drive for 3/4 hours to our destination once we'd arrived at Madrid airport. Now, my grandparents, you can imagine are not as sprite as perhaps they once were, but to be honest, they're pretty much imobile! They both have walking sticks, but my grandmother doesn't even like to use that for too long, and needs to sit down every 5 minutes. I swear she has a chair radar! I don't mean to be disrespectful, I appreciate all they have done for me in my life, but this weekend was so much hard work, I wish I hadn't bothered. Not only was it tough to get them in the car, they lost their passports hours before our flight and my grandfather is completely senial and kept asking basic questions. Even when we were in the police station within Madrid airport to fill out a report, my grandad said 'give me my passport', not understanding we were there because he didn't have it! Even driving to my cousin's wedding he was asking who we were going to see. Scary stuff, but it makes you appreciate life and your memory much more. I just want to make the most out of my life and see as much as I possibly can before I become too old and tied down to do so!


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