Man I'm feeling old!

I'm not sure how to start this blog. It all started when I was comparing some single friends of mine to myself and another friend who have been attached to our boyfriends for quite some time. Basically my single friends have forgotten about us, and are behaving like I was when I was around 16/17 years old; going out to nightclubs, meeting guys and generally having more of a social life than I am now! As a result, I feel more like I'm in my 30's than 24; discussing marriage and mortgages! I find myself enjoying staying in rather than going out clubbing or drinking, and if I do go out I don't want to stay out too late, or go to places where the music is so loud I can't even hear myself speak! My ideal night at the moment is to spend a night in with my boyfriend and our mutual friends to have a drink, watch a DVD and possibly play some friendly poker. We've even had dinner parties at our house in my vain attempt to be a good host and feel as though my boyfriend and I are already a married couple! I'm sure once my single friends find nice blokes, they'll be happy to sit in too, but that will probably be when I feel as though I'm in my 40's!
In a recent conversation between us, he told me he equates mortgages with growing up, and he wasn't ready for that. I've felt like every big step in my life has been towards making me more 'grown up'; exams, learning to drive, University, a career, a long term relationship! I guess I just feel as though the next natural progression is to buy our first house.
I just wonder; am I growing up too soon? Should I be starting to think about mortgages and marriage at the age of 24 now that I've been with my boyfriend for 5 years? Or should I go out and enjoy my youth while I still have it? What do you think? Is 24 still too young to behave as though you're in your 30's?
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