Cute kids destroyed by video games!

There has always been an issue in the media about kids being influenced by graphic video games and films since the nineties, but as an upstanding member of the community and having my fair share of violent images through my childhood, I never really took it seriously. I guess I just thought it depends on where you're brought up and how close an eye your parents keep on you which determines how you behave. However, I'm beginning to think otherwise. What got me thinking about this was this article I read recently:
"Teenagers are committing muggings and robberies as part of a violent initiation game it emerged today. Points are scored based on the degree of violence used, the type of victim, the property stolen and whether the attack is filmed on a mobile phone. The development comes amid increasing controversy over violent computer games such as Mortal Kombat and Grand Theft Auto. A recent study claimed playing such games casued changes in the brain that could lead to aggresive behavour and risked desensitising youngsters to real-life violence." - London Lite 12/10/06
Now I know London Lite isn't exactly The Times, but they still have a good point and it's worrying how much crime and violence is being committed by kids, and you have to think about why that is. I think video game makers are getting away with a lot more today, which is fine for adults (sensible ones that is!), but an 18 rated game is only going to make the kids want to play it more. I think parents need to be more responsible for what their kids are doing and who they're hanging out with, rather than just simply placing the blame on all video games which have an ounce of violence in them. I still think the area you raise your kids in and the school they go to definately has a big influence on their upbringing, so I will personally make sure my kids (when I eventually have them) will be going to a good school and living in a nice neighbourhood, that is if there are any left in London in 2020!
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