I'm an avid watcher of Big Brother and have been since the very beginning (I know, I have no life!). Not sure how to word this blog, seeing as I'm not too sure how I feel about this, but I read on BBC's entertainment news website that they're no longer broadcasting the final live! Bit odd after so many years, but I'm guessing Pete's tourettes didn't help matters last year as apparently 'Ofcom noted that 14% of the 6.4 million viewers on the night were children'. I would have thought that the swearing throughout the weeks of Big Brother every night (which is left in as it's past the watershed) might affect them, but they didn't mention these being censored, as why would they watch the final if they hadn't been following the show from the beginning?! So why is one allowed and the other not, if the kids are watching the show and listening to the swearing, surely they're desensitised to it by the final!
I'm a big cinema goer and have been to see quite a few films in recent months. I have forgotten to blog after seeing them so this is my chance to rate them and let you know what I thought about them. In last place we have Borat. Now, don't get me wrong, I thought this was very entertaining (I especially loved the naked wrestling scene!), but I guess the level of films I've watched lately just puts this at the bottom of the stack. Still well worth seeing in my book especially if you like Borats' humour. The next of Sacha Baron Cohen's characters to have their own film is Bruno, the very camp German fashionista. I do enjoy what that character gets up to, especially this scene from the last series of Ali G:
Next we have Casino Royale. Great film contrary to what I have previously written about Bond in my blog, but then again I knew I would enjoy it anyway! However, it only made number 3 as the amount of product placement got ridiculous. I haven't seen that much brazen product placement since Wayne's World 2! Very exiting and kept me on the edge of my seat for 2 1/2 hours though. The number 2 spot goes to The Departed. Amazing cast and great action. Kept me hooked for 3 hours and the ending was superb. Can't wait to see this again when it's released on DVD. Want to see the original version too to see how it compares. Numero uno has to be The Prestige, as I was looking forward to it so much and it didn't disappoint. All actors performed brilliantly and Scarlett Johanson's English accent was pretty darn good for an American! Did figure out the 'hook' quite early on, but still enjoyed it unravel and, just like a good magic trick, couldn't stop talking about it with my boyfriend for hours after.
Films I'm looking forward to seeing are The Holiday, a light romantic comedy set around Christmas which is sure to get me in the holiday spirit. Hollywoodland has also just been released so hoping to catch that soon. Also, Happy Feet, which may I remind you Prince has collaborated on (listen to a sample of the soundtrack here). Looks like a nice family film for Christmas. May also have to see Tenacious D's Pick of Destiny as we're seeing them in concert in December. The film I'm interested in seeing, but can wait until it's DVD release is Jackass Number 2 as it's not vital watching it on a cinema screen!
Oh dear god, why are some people just so stupid! No offence, but most of the time they turn out to be American! Just when most people have gotten over the OJ trial, he himself has decided to drag it all up again in an attempt to make some green! What a greedy idiot! I can't believe he has written a book called If I Did It! I can't believe he would be so stupid as to suggest that he had anything to do with the murders! Here is a website that goes through the facts and evidence and explains why it is obvious he is a guilty man (obviously I'm staying impartial!)
Here is a link to the promo showing on Fox for the interview he has conducted with them about the book and issues in it.
Can you believe he has the nerve! Here is the murdered Ron Goldman's dad, Fred, in disbelieve over what OJ is doing:
Whether you think he is guilty or innocent, surely this is a stupid and insensitive thing to do for all involved, including his children?
Edit: I'm pleased to say Rupert Murdoch came to his senses and pulled O.J Simpson's 'ill-considered project', of which he just so happened to own, such is his empire! Read more about it here.
For some reason I watch reality TV shows! Don't ask me why, but for some reason they keep me gripped and I have to find out who comes out victorious. Taking people from obscurity and making their 'dreams come true!' Well, the latest of such shows at the moment is X-Factor, and I'm routing for Leona. She is amazing, and seems to blow me away every week. However, I never end up watching it live, so I can't vote for her, but I will be by my phone on the finale night, which should be in 3 weeks time.
Searching for a photo of her for this blog, I came across articles saying that her mum is quoted as saying she will never win because she is black! Rubbish! I think she has less of a chance of winning because she's female! She has to at least get to the final and I think if she doesn't win she'll probably have a better start to her career anyway. Simon is her manager, so she'll be in good hands. Check out her performing Summertime in the 3rd week, which is when I realised this show might have actually found someone with real talent!
Due to my latest circumstances, I have decided to try my hand at voice-over artistry. I will be attending a course in December and recording a demo to send to agents, and hopefully I'll get some cool jobs out of it. I'm thinking Nickelodeon owe me, so I'll be sending them my demo first for some kids animation voice-over work! I'll let you know how it pans out, but I'm hopeful I'll get at least a few jobs out of it.
We had a lovely night out, first dinning at Indigo at the One Aldwych hotel, which was amazing. I had a parma ham salad for starters and organic salmon for main. Also treated myself to chocolate cake for desert. Yummy! Then jumped in a cab to see Spamalot which was as surreal as the original film, Monty Python and The Holy Grail. Great fun! We both looked great and had a lovely time together. Just hoping he's going to propose soon!
I left a permanent contract at ITV for a 6 month contract at Nickelodeon UK, and was told it was just a formality and after that time I would get a permanent contract anyway. Unfortunately, as I'm nearing the end of my 6 months, I've been told they no longer need me in the new year! To be honest I'm taking it really well, seeing as I've been looking for a new job since I basically started at Nick! I work 12 hour shifts, which really takes it out of you! However, I do get quite a few days off a week (I only work 7 days over 2 weeks) but a downside is working every other weekend! Nightmare! Obviously I haven't had much luck yet finding work, so it's going to be interesting to see if I can find something before January. I might look into going to America to find a temporary placement! Maybe I should give Scorsese a ring, see if he's shooting in New York in January! However this also looks like a cool alternative! Well, I guess we'll see what happens.
So with the release of the latest Bond film imminent and the premiere tonight, the hype is at fever pitch. Will Daniel Craig be a good enough Bond with his blonde hair? Will it live up to expectation? Is there going to be enough explosions, sex and violence? Well, I don't care! I've never been a Bond fan (I bet you couldn't tell!) but I have been known to see a few of them - Goldeneye, Die Another Day, possibly The World is not Enough, and Tomorrow Never Dies too, but nothing before Brosnan!
Maybe that's my problem - I haven't seen the classics to appreciate it today. I just don't particularly like the stable things you'd expect to find in a Bond film - his sophisticated suaveness, his ability to melt all the girls' hearts (even the female villains) which then leads into the inevitable sex scenes, and as many stunts and explosions as they can fit into 2 hours-ish as physically possible! Don't get me wrong, I might be female, but I like a good action film every now and again. I guess I just don't like the predictability of it all in every Bond film. I'll take Austin Powers over Bond any day - even Goldmember!
The latest in a long line of Celebrity reality TV shows is Cirque de Celebrite and I only just started to watch it this weekend. I'm quite pleasantly surprised that this isn't just a chance for these z-list 'celebrities' to get their 15 minutes of fame to get back into the limelight (although it does get us talking about them again!) but it actually looks as though they have to work pretty hard to keep their dignity and stay in the show. Not only do they put these 'celebrities' through their paces by getting them to do pretty difficult stunts, they also risk hurting themselves severely! I watched last weeks show on a repeat and saw two of them attempting a routine with Argentinean weapons, and they weren't allowed to train without wearing head and eye protection. However, they weren't allowed to wear them on the live show! I thought great, some injuries on live TV where they can't hide, but they managed to pull it off! The star of the show has to be Grace from Big Brother who has the added advantage of being a dancer, so she's fit and can move her body well. I'm also quite surprised how well she's coming off to the crowd after her 'get Grace out' days this Summer. The bad guy is proving to be Sophie Anderton purely because she's not training as much as the others, but Grace is working so hard, and you can definitely tell when last week she was on a 5 foot unicycle pretty much being able to cycle without help (except for turns) without falling at all, and Kenzie was on a normal sized one having to be lead around the entire time like a dog on a leash! So, mad props to my girl Grace (who might I add I liked in the Big Brother house!) and I'm gonna keep watching to see if she wins, oh, and to see if someone gets really hurt too!
Spiderman does whatever a spider can...but bats are better!
So, the full trailer is out now for Spiderman 3 and it's looking pretty darn good! Then again it has to after the success of the first two. Spiderman has certainly come a long way, however, Batman is still cooler and by far my favourite movie superhero. I love Tim Burton's original dark movies and was scared when Nolan attempted Begins, but I was very pleasantly surprised at the results. I think it could even be just a bit better than Burtons' vision. Bale is a great Batman too, and the other actors also fit their roles well (except Holmes who I can't stand anyway!) but now he has the mammoth task of filling Nicholson's shoes in The Dark Knight expecting a 2008 release! Heath Ledger is due to play the Joker, which I'm not sure about yet, although my guess is Nolan will pull it off and it'll be amazing. He definitely won't be acting like the original Joker, but he'll put a new, comic-book homage spin on it, just like he did with his take on how Batman became the dark knight in Batman Begins. Looking forward to both, but far too long to wait for me! Maybe I should freeze myself in some snow until then! (P.S. Sorry for posting a pic of Begins, but there is no poster available yet for The Dark Knight! I'll keep you posted! See what I did there!)
I have to brag about my new dress! I love it sooo much! It was £80, but worth every penny as it fits me so well and makes me look good, and you can't put a price on that my friends! It's from Warehouse, but don't too many people go out and buy it, or else I won't be special and unique! I shall be dinning in it before going to see Spamalot with my boyfriend for our 5 year anniversary next week! I know, it's a long time isn't it?! Maybe I'll even post a photo of me in it if you're lucky!
I love South Park, pretty much always have since I first saw it, but I get the feeling lately they are creating episodes that will create controversy just for the sake of it. Series 10 has been hilarious so far, and I am enjoying it, but there have been a few occasions it's left my mouth hanging wide open. The episode I have in mind is Miss Teacher Bangs a Boy - which is obviously a comment regarding teacher-student relationships, but with the teacher being a good looking female, no one takes it as seriously, even though the boy in the relationship is Kyle's little brother Ike who is still just in kindergarten! All very wrong, especially the montage scene where it ends with them post coital! A bit too much shown in my opinion! Here's a bit of it from You Tube:
Funny, I'm sure you'll agree, but taken a bit too far in terms of what they show. The most recent episode shown in the states has 'Ms' Garrison having anal sex with another teacher, which again was taken probably just a bit too far again! It made our gay friend laugh out loud when he saw it, and he doesn't even usually like South Park, so I guess that says something!
To be honest, even if it does go too far sometimes, I'm pleased it does and it gets away with it, because there is far too much television that won't or can't. So I say, 'LONG LIVE SOUTH PARK - YEAH DUDE!'
One thing not many people know about me is my ability to cry at some of the smallest things! I'm an emotional wreck sometimes, and not always because of my hormones (although that doesn't help!). I cry at films, TV, songs, when I'm happy and obviously if I'm upset! These seem to cover quite a bit of my time! I cried at the final episodes of Friends and Sex and the City (even though I didn't watch it towards the end), I even cry at the end of most episodes of Scrubs, which really annoys me as I laugh so much during the episode! I think the most emotional I've ever been whilst watching a TV show was when Mark Green from ER died. Man, that was the saddest thing ever. Even when I think about these moments I get upset.
TV shows obviously want to get the viewers hooked to love and care about the characters they watch to make them come back to it every week, but crying when they end or die is just ridiculous, isn't it? I guess I'm not a particularly strong person anyway, so it doesn't help when I watch these shows for months/years and then they go and leave me!
I remember the first film I ever cried at was Beaches. Amazing film, and pretty emotional anyway. I do remember watching My Girl in the cinema when I was 8 and hearing girls crying in the row in front of me. I had no idea why anyone would cry over a film! Boy, do I feel differently now!
Even moments in life when I'm really happy (this usually occurs when I'm with my boyfriend) I end up crying. He never understands that! I really don't know why I do it, I think in those instances I'm just really hormonal and can be set off very easily!
My moods are generally extreme anyway - I'm either incredibly up or down, hot or cold, hungry or stuffed! I guess I wouldn't bother to comment if I was 'just right'! So when I'm upset, I also take it to the extreme and tend to cry. I just wish I was extremely happy more of the time!