So this week sees many reality shows coming to an end, and I'm pleased to say two of my favourites saw the person I wanted to win actually won! Wasn't sure about Sian in Unanimous - Kelly was pretty desperate and conniving! But the right person won, no matter who needed the money!

Plus, Leona won X-Factor! The first girl to win, and boy did she deserve it! If you saw the final and heard Ray sing the song first, you could tell he didn't deserve to even be in the final! The guy was a cocky, pretentious little kid singing grown up songs that were written back before his parents were even born! Leona on the other hand had some real talent behind her and I'm glad Garry Barlow announced on the show that Simon has real responsibility managing her and making sure her career doesn't go down the toilet like Steve whats-his-face! I really hope she produces a good enough album for me to buy - and for me to do that it has to be pretty darn good.
Edit: Since writing this thread, Grace won Cirque de Celebrite and I'm now hoping Mark and Karen will beat Matt Dawson in Strictly Come Dancing! Yes, I know I'm obessed with these reality TV shows, but they're all coming to an end now, and that's the most exciting time! Just looking forward to the beginning of January being consumed by Celebrity Big Brother!
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